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​Fredonia 9th October

Marc Stuart Medium - Trainer_edited.png
Devi Wolf_edited_edited.png
  • There are a total of five different events being run jointly by Marc and Devi.  Look below to get more information and then use the booking form to register and you will be contacted by email.



Hosted by Patty Valentine the Lady of the Lake Medium.


Fredonia: 9th October.  Venue: Woodland Brews Café,

Address: 50 W Main St, Fredonia, NY 14063, United States

Speakers: Marc Stuart (Scotland) and Devi Wolf (USA)

Cost is per event discounted for the number.  One Event $50, Two $90 (2 * 45) three $120 (3 * $40) four events $140 (4* $35), and five events $160 (5 * $32.50) so for example One Talk, One Reading and One Circle would be $120 whilst just a reading would be $50.

Woodland Brews Café - Marc Stuart Medium - October 2024 - Fredonia.png

Please fill this form in clicking the individual events you wish to experience on the 9th.  We will invoice you based on the following scale, once you pay you will receive provisional times and then confirmed times at the end of September.

One Event -     $50

Two Events -     $90 (2 * $45)

Three Events -   $120 (3 * $40)

Four Events -     $140 (4 * $35)

Five Events -      $160 (5 * $32.50)


Times will be provisional until we have the final numbers for all events then you will receive final times for all events.

But Provisionally The Talk on Cards is in the Morning, Talk on Scottish Mediumship is Afternoon and Circle is in the evening.

Times for readings will vary and we will try to match as close to the other events you are booked for but there may be delays for example if you booked for two events between with another between them.


Marc is a Church trained Medium.  He met Patty Valentine almost a decade agop and invited her to Scotland where she received training in Scottish Spiritualism.

Marc was last in the Fredonia area just prior to Covid and has not been able to return since then.

Readings from Marc can be very deep and many people are often very affected by the type of evidence and messages from loved ones.

His style is mental and he does not play around with cards or other teaching tools when working.  He works internationally and was in China in January for example.

He taught Devi and is proud now to be working with her in person.

The readings during the day will last for 25 minutes.

Marc is Scottish and the accent comes with him.  He also has a very sarcastic sense of humour and Spirit often use this as a tool when working through Marc.


Devi is trained by Marc.

She is American with a love of Cats.  She works herself in Tenasea and this is her first venture doing readings in Fredonia.

Marc trusts her abilities enough to have her working with him as a Trainer bring his styl;e of Mediumship to others.



The majority of American Mediums use Cards.  In one sense if you get the reading you want, no issues.  However Marc and Devi have a very simple attitude to cards, they are a training tool.  Marc simply says a Medium using Cards is at the development level in Mediumship of a five or six year old.


Cards can also be an effective block to getting a spiritual reading. Tarot readings for example.


Spirit can and do work with mediums through cards, and this is covered in Marcs training.


Lets put it this way say's Marc "Every properly trained Medium can do a card reading for you, but no or very few "Card" readers can do a powerful connection to Spirit.  It's like calling out, all smoke and mirrors."


This event is a two hour talk from Devi going into this in a lot more detail and how to find a real Medium even if they are using Cards.



Why are the Scots so much stronger in Spiritualism than the yanks?


Did you know that in Scotland every town has at least one Spiritualist Church whilst some like Dundee have six.  One small town!


Everything about Scottish Mediumship is done differently than you will find in the USA.  Methods of working, rules the Mediums work by, Church Services are there to provide readings first and foremost.


There are many historical reasons why this has come about, but the main one is the Roman Empire from about 2,000 years ago.


Come to the talk being given by Marc and find out more.



Join a circle run by Marc and Devi.


You will experience a Huided Meditation and give a reading.  Oh and receive a reading.

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