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Weekly Circle Now Running

So, the first Circle launched last night, and it was successful despite several issues.

First of several people got their times mixed up.

Second my hardware went into Terminator style revolt. I have three desktops and two laptops on my office desk and each one of them had an issue. Got it sorted but the combination of all the above did not help.

But first attempt and think we got everything sorted in the end.

A good balance between experienced Mediums and relative beginners. We also had people from Australia, USA and the UK so a very mixed international combination.

We covered the basics of meditation and had a guided meditation to start with. Everyone had positive results which was excellent for first day and a good foundation to build on.

Next meeting Wednesday 24th UK time 10.30 pm Eastern USA time 5.30 pm.

The cost is $4 or £3 payable through PayPal on this link:

Then details sent out to register for the Zoom meeting.

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